Shanks Consultancy

Delivering performance and adding value.
Achieving results through people.

Running a business is tough.

Running a business is tough.

You spend so much time working IN your business that you rarely get a chance to work ON your business.

You need someone to give you an outsider’s perspective. To analyse your processes, your team and talent, and yes, even your management and leadership. Identifying your business’ strengths and weaknesses will help you improve its performance and value.

That’s where I come in.

Shanks Consultancy is a specialist development and coaching consultancy.

I believe that people are the lifeblood of business so I strive to help businesses achieve better results by managing and maximising the talent they already have.

My team and I want to understand what makes your business tick so we take the time to really listen to you. We want to understand the culture of  your business, its strengths and what it needs to consistently deliver results that help you stay competitive.

Ready to start?

If you’re ready to start working on your business, click to find out more about our Consultancy Services, Leadership and Management Development or Team Coaching.

We also support individuals, providing both Career Coaching and Personal Coaching. We can help you deal with the challenges and opportunities that come your way and support you on your way to achieving your ambitions.

Our Clients

“I met Brian in early 2021 as part of a Company team building initiative and my experience was overwhelmingly positive.

Brian’s influence was immeasurable, through listening and insight, he supported and guided me through a very challenging time with encouragement, patience, empathy and genuine care.

Brian is a gifted and talented coach who introduces and encourages positive and progressive thinking patterns and tools, which I found simple to understand and adopt in my everyday life.

I would highly recommend Brian as a coach and wish him continued success”.

J M,
Total Energies, 11th November 2022

Brian Shanks

I’m Brian, the director of Shanks Consultancy and our lead coach.

I’ve worked with many businesses in a variety of sectors and across the globe.

I hold a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, which has led me to develop a people-centric approach to coaching.

I want to help you make the most of the talent you already have in your business by getting everyone engaged, motivated and invested in its success.

Outside of coaching, I once had a career in the police. In that profession, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. Every situation requires attention to detail and a specific approach depending on the scenario. This aspect of my policing career still helps me today in finding the best approach to success for your specific business situation.

Nowadays, when I’m not coaching  I’m a keen gardener and I love to golf, travel and spend time with my family.

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